NB3 FIT 2017

During the week of November 5 through 11, 2017, thousands of Native American youth participated in NB3 Fit Week. This week was created by the Notah Begay III Foundation to promote the recommended amount of physical activity for youth (60 minutes), healthy eating and drinking clean water.

The Forest County Potawatomi Community Health, Recreation, Education Departments partnered to host this week-long event by providing snacks, dinner, physical activity, and education. Myra VanZile shared the importance of respecting and keeping water scared, and Ira Frank shared his experience of being a boxer.

Fun was had by the 49 Forest County Potawatomi Youth between the ages of 7 to 13 participated in this event. The Recreational Department took the youth who participated in all three days of physical activity to a movie.