Healthy Potato Leek Soup


Leeks are in the onion family, but are sweeter and more delicate. Wild leeks, or “ramps”, resemble a scallion. They are native to North America. You can find them growing in the woods, typically in the shade and in our northern climate — well into the summer.

Child Obesity Awareness Month

September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled. Today, nearly one in three children in our nation is obese or overweight. is issue is even more severe in Indian Country as a study of four-year-olds found that obesity is two times more common among American Indian/Alaska Native children than any other racial or ethnic group studied.

Blue Green Algae Bloom

Blue Green Algae

You may see these blooms on lakes throughout Wisconsin. They can be a variety of colors such as fluorescent blue, green, , red or brown. More than one color may be present. They may look like thick paint floating on the water and frequently give off a foul odor.