Share the joy, not illness, this holiday season

As family and friends gather, DHS encourages flu vaccines for everyone, and offers other tips to avoid spreading illnesses. MADISON—As we look forward to gathering with family and friends for the holidays, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) encourages everyone to take steps to ensure the holidays are remembered for the joy they bring, not for the illnesses shared.


CRANBERRIES are a traditional food for Native Americans who used cranberries not only for food and medicine but also to make dyes for clothing and blankets. Cranberries are very healthy: high in antioxidants, rich in manganese, vitamin C, ber, and a good source of several other vitamins and minerals.


Caulifower is packed with essential nutrients. Its compact ower head holds numerous health bene ting phyto-nutrients such as vitamins that help prevent weight gain, diabetes and offer protection from prostate, ovarian and cervical cancers.