The Great American Smoke Out

Since 1977, individuals have participated in the Great American Smoke Out events across the country. This day, which is held every third Thursday in November and hosted by the American Cancer Society, encourages smokers to stop smoking for one day, in hopes that they will quit for good.

2016 Fall Hike 1

Fall Hike 2016

On September 17, 2016, a beautiful Fall Saturday, the Forest County Potawatomi Community Health Department hosted the 7th Annual Fall Hike. Tribal members were invited to join staff on a hike through Bayfield County. In total 29 tribal members participated on the day long trip to the shores of Superior.

Child Obesity Awareness Month

September is Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rates in America have tripled. Today, nearly one in three children in our nation is obese or overweight. is issue is even more severe in Indian Country as a study of four-year-olds found that obesity is two times more common among American Indian/Alaska Native children than any other racial or ethnic group studied.

Blue Green Algae Bloom

Blue Green Algae

You may see these blooms on lakes throughout Wisconsin. They can be a variety of colors such as fluorescent blue, green, , red or brown. More than one color may be present. They may look like thick paint floating on the water and frequently give off a foul odor.

Trails and Traditional Food

Trails and Traditional Food

One, two, three miles on foot with a purpose, going somewhere, makes you feel good. The two trails listed here are places you can explore on foot. They have been seeded with white clover to provide a food source for various species of wildlife. The trails are mowed once a year by the Forestry department with financial assistance from the Department of Natural Resources, which makes it an excellent trail for hikers, hunters, skiers and mountain bikers.