Behavioral Health Day

Behavioral Health: Behavioral health includes the following; addictions, mental illness, suicide, and much more. Behavioral health illnesses are becoming increasingly more popular each year. Millions of people do not receive the help they need or do not know how to seek help. Forest County Potawatomi Health and Wellness Center has a variety of behavioral health resources to offer to our community members. Please, reach out to someone if you are in need help or want to seek treatment.

What can YOU do?

  1. Seek medical help, support groups, Healing Journey, AODA Department; Wellbriety Meetings, Behavioral Health Department, or talk to your Primary Care Provider (PCP) for advice/services
  2. Maintain stress levels- find healthy activities to decrease stress in our daily lives (physical activity, yoga, hiking, meditation, etc.)
  3. Stress Balls
  4. Community Involvement Activity: Please take a picture of something you know that is ‘healthy’. Then share it with us and your picture might be featured in our department.

Sign up for the National Public Health Week 2018 “FCP Getting Healthy” Photo Contest. Share your best health photo and you could win a C-Store gift certificate!

Submit Your Photos